Department of Economics (Archive)
2022-11-18 Stellenbosch teams win top prizes in 2022 Young Economist...
2022-09-21 Top Economics students awarded prizes
2022-09-05 Mamello Nchake: 'Digital Agriculture' can be key to succe...
2022-05-13 Ronelle Burger featured by International Economic Associa...
2022-05-08 Dieter von Fintel: There's no 'Great Resignation' in Sout...
2022-04-27 Ada Jansen new chair of Department
2022-03-23 Stellenbosch students win prizes for Budget Speech Essay ...
2021-12-29 Department bids farewell to two stalwarts
2021-11-18 Young economist competition 2021 results
2021-11-12 Rachel's Angels: Inspirasiestories documentary airing on ...
2021-11-12 Nic Spaull earns recognition for research excellence
2021-11-04 Are protests replacing voting as mechanism to hold govern...
2021-10-20 Department celebrates centenary with Social Impact Expo
2021-07-01 NIDS-CRAM survey team finalist for NSTF-South32 Award
2021-05-30 BER / SARB Internship Programme
2021-02-15 Stellenbosch Economics graduate voted AU Commission Deput...
2021-02-12 Nic Spaull receives P-rating from NRF
2021-02-04 Stellenbosch academics selected as Fellows of new Pan-Afr...
2021-01-19 Department mourns passing of Archie September
2020-12-03 In case you missed it..
2020-11-09 SU team placed second in securities trading game
2020-10-22 Young economist prizes awarded in online ceremony
2020-10-19 Stellenbosch Centenary webinar video available
2020-10-15 Two Stellenbosch professors win Montias prize
2020-08-27 Exciting speakers lined up for Centenary webinar
2020-08-03 Nico Katzke and team voted FM top analysts
2020-07-19 Debra Shepherd wins prestigious Harvard fellowship
2020-04-15 Our response to covid-19
2020-05-18 Willem Wilken wins Schumann medal
2020-05-05 SU researchers lead multi-university study to track econo...
2020-03-20 Cobus Burger wins international data science challenge
2020-03-03 Interdisciplinary collaboration considers road safety and...
2019-12-20 Chancellor's Award awarded to Departmental Chair
2019-12-11 Economics Department in partnership to offer free coding ...
2019-11-12 Trade Wars break out at faculty teambuilding day
2019-11-05 Young Economist 2019
2019-10-08 International Finance 4th Annual FNB Securities Trading Game
2019-10-03 Two Stellenbosch students awarded ESSA Founder's Medal Aw...
2019-09-04 Three Economics professors deliver inaugural lectures
2019-08-16 Department hosts first ever Economics PhD conference
2019-06-28 Ursula Wanza completes PLUS course
2019-05-22 Stellenbosch team reaches finals of Econometric Games
2019-05-21 Martina Mchenga wins ODI international fellowship
2019-04-19 Two Stellenbosch economists appointed to ministerial task...
2019-04-15 Top performing Economics students recognized
2019-02-01 Nedbank and Old Mutual Budget Speech Competition 2018 Fin...
2018-11-22 Anna Orthofer wins Founder's Medal Prize
2018-10-30 Young economist competition 2018 winners announced
2018-10-20 Prof Sampie voted as Faculty's best lecturer during previ...
2018-10-16 Two economists recognised for effective media communication
2018-08-22 International Finance 3rd Annual FNB Securities Trading Game
2018-07-06 Economics department hosts alumni events in New York and ...
2018-05-31 Jac Laubscher on financialisation
2018-05-03 Two Stellenbosch professors appointed to VAT panel
2018-04-13 Budget Speech Competition 2018
2018-04-03 Departmental prizes for top students
2018-03-15 Cape Town Carnival lifts local economy
2018-03-14 Professor Basil Moore dies at 84
2018-03-04 Francois Groepe delivers special lecture
2018-02-19 Emeritus professor Sampie Terreblanche dies at 84
2017-12-04 Makerere Fiscal Policy Workshop
2017-12-04 "The Martha Effect" and other recent working papers
2017-11-02 Thomas Fagart joins Centre for Competition Law and Economics
2017-10-26 Young Economist 2017 winners
2017-10-20 Ruan Erasmus wins 2017 Schroders essay competition
2017-10-02 Liberty Mncube: Concentration is not a dragon from the past
2017-09-27 Rachel Jafta chats to Paul Krugman
2017-09-12 Lewis McLean wins CGW Schumann and ESSA Founder's Medal
2017-08-19 Chair in the Economics of Social Policy renewed
2017-08-10 International Finance 2nd Annual FNB Securities Trading Game
2017-05-18 Newsletter and open day video
2017-05-18 Stellenbosch Students at Western Cape postgraduate confer...
2017-03-30 Postgraduate Cloete medal shared
2017-03-24 Former student Monique Nsanzabaganwa receives honorary do...
2017-03-08 Prof Rachel Jafta honoured
2017-03-06 Rachel Theron wins first runner up at budget speech compe...
2017-03-03 Dr. Rashad Cassim: Unanswered questions in South African ...
2016-12-07 Competition Policy / Industrial Organization opportunities
2016-10-25 2016 Young Economist Competition
2016-10-06 Economics Honours students win Schroders awards
2016-09-05 'Competition policy can help reduce inequality'
2016-05-17 International Finance students compete in trading simulator
2016-04-12 Top students recognized
2016-03-08 Co-authors commemorate Prof Philip Black
2016-02-15 Our team for Econometric Game 2016
2015-12-10 December Newsletter
2015-12-10 Cooperation with Göttingen University delivers first Mast...
2015-11-25 Recent working papers
2015-10-26 Stan du Plessis: Tough choices need to be made
2015-10-20 Young Economist 2015 winners announced
2015-10-15 PhD scholarship available
2015-10-02 Orthofer on SA wealth and income
2015-09-30 Media Economics 2015
2015-09-29 Economics of collusion discussed at ERSA workshop
2015-09-18 Stellenbosch student wins Economic Society of SA (ESSA) p...
2015-08-31 Macro research team members at the 5th macro and monetary...
2015-08-11 LEAP members attend World Economic History Congress in Kyoto
2015-08-03 Recent working papers
2015-07-24 Department's research featured in University publication
2015-07-20 Graduate School scholarships for PhD study
2015-06-25 Department mourns death of Prof Black
2015-06-10 Post-doc in Macroeconomics joins Department
2015-06-04 Stellenbosch alumni ranked high by Financial Mail
2015-05-16 Staff members complete PhDs
2015-05-04 Stellenbosch participates in World Econometric Championship
2015-04-02 Stellenbosch hosts 2015 Postgraduate Conference
2015-04-01 Kuben Naidoo appointed as vice president of the South Afr...
2015-03-22 Best students celebrated at Molenvliet ceremony
2015-01-26 Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Macro-Finance
2014-12-11 Cobras player graduates with Honours degree in Economics
2014-11-17 Research project wins prestigious award
2014-10-23 Young Economist Competition 2014
2014-10-21 Stellenbosch student awarded ESSA prize for best PhD
2014-09-19 New Book by Prof Sampie Terreblanche
2013-10-07 Apply now for Honours and Master's degree studies
2014-07-24 Grade R may lead to further inequality, says ReSEP resear...
2014-07-08 Post-Doctoral research fellowship in Macro-Finance
2014-07-07 Funding available for PhDs in focus areas
2014-07-07 PhD scholarship in Macro-Finance
2014-07-04 Ian Stuart appointed as Research Associate
2014-06-27 Poverty of South Africa's children investigated
2014-06-19 Economics research featured in 2013 Research Report
2014-06-18 Servaas van der Berg appointed SU Distinguished Professor
2014-06-05 Stan du Plessis ranked 4th for Innovative Research by Fin...
2014-05-16 Interview with Servaas van der Berg
2014-05-07 'Inequality likely to stay'
2014-04-10 Andrew Donaldson: Should the South African government red...
2014-04-01 Research on markets and social policy feature in Stellenb...
2014-03-28 Michael Jordaan: 'Economics needs new theories that try t...
2014-03-25 Top student recognises effort of first-year lecturer
2014-03-18 Top economics students recognised
2014-02-18 Department appoints four new Research Associates
2014-01-27 Lant Pritchett visits Stellenbosch
2013-12-11 Prof Stan du Plessis appointed as Dean
2013-12-07 Prof. Basil Moore lost in the Groot Drakenstein mountains...
2013-10-28 Racial Inequality Declines to its Lowest Levels Yet
2013-10-28 Horizontalists and Verticalists: 25 years later
2013-10-16 Young Economist 2013 competition - winners announced
2013-10-10 Stellenbosch students win ESSA Founders' Medals
2013-10-10 Marisa Coetzee wins 2013 Middleton award
2013-10-07 Full-time PhD scholarships
2013-10-07 Stellenbosch well represented at ESSA2013 conference
2013-08-16 Stan du Plessis: State-contingent forward guidance could ...
2013-07-29 Stellenbosch Research Associate in New York Times debate
2013-06-14 Nic Spaull selected as an M&G top 200 young South African
2013-04-18 Prof Jafta new chair of Media24's board of directors
2013-03-20 Prof Sampie Terreblanche receives Honorary Doctorate from...
2013-03-19 Competition policy to the fore
2013-03-07 Economics lecturer nominated for G20 Youth Summit
2013-03-06 Francis Teal visits Stellenbosch
2013-03-06 Research associates boost collaboration
2013-03-06 Best Economics students receive awards
2013-02-27 Neil Rankin appointed as Associate Professor
2013-02-25 Daniel Rubinfeld visits Stellenbosch
2013-02-06 Rachel Jafta delivers inaugural lecture
2013-01-18 Rapid progress in education implausible say SU researchers
2012-12-17 Nico Katzke on proposed tax incentives for household savings
2012-11-14 Department appoints extraordinary professors
2012-10-25 Stan du Plessis at TEDx now on YouTube
2012-10-25 Winners of 2012 Young Economist of the Year announced
2012-10-11 Goals and conduct of monetary policy discussed in preside...
2012-10-08 Apply now for Honours and Master's degree studies in econ...
2012-09-28 Stellenbosch students win ESSA Founder's Medals
2012-09-25 Nic Spaull: Intervening after school is too late
2012-09-25 Prof Kuben Naidoo: Inequality is bad for growth
2012-09-17 National Research Foundation renews Chair in the Economic...
2012-07-18 World Economic History Congress 'huge success'
2012-07-09 Finance minister launches World Economic History Congress
2012-06-18 World Economic History Congress 2012 countdown
2012-04-16 Nic Spaull's work on the crisis in education featured in ...
2012-05-04 Prof Ndikumana to visit Stellenbosch
2012-04-19 Stellenbosch economists win ATKV debating championship
2012-04-18 Postgraduate conference held at Stellenbosch University
2012-03-23 Top performers receive awards
2012-03-20 Department to host Student Conference
2012-02-27 Stellenbosch undergraduate wins Nedbank/Old Mutual Budget...
2011-11-23 Stellenbosch sends three finalists to the 2011 Budget Spe...
2011-10-14 Economics professor wins Outstanding Alumnus award
2011-10-12 PhD student wins top prize
2011-09-27 Marisa Coetzee receives Schumann medal
2011-09-23 Three African Economic History research fellows appointed
2011-09-16 Prof van Zanden's first lecture to address South Africa's...
2011-09-16 On nationalisation: Prof du Plessis delivers ESSA preside...
2011-08-22 Prof Freytag to give first public lecture as honorary pro...
2011-03-30 Examining problems in poor schools
2011-03-10 Department rewards student achievers
2011-02-18 Stellenbosch professor president of ESSA
2011-02-03 A new way to view the South African economy
2010-11-15 Gold standard or political discipline?
2010-11-09 Young economists predict well...
2010-10-25 Seven per cent growth – what will it take?
2010-10-22 Two Economics students awarded prestigious Mandela Rhodes...
2010-10-15 Prof Servaas van der Berg’s findings on poor learner perf...
2010-09-21 Melissa van Rensburg wins Schumann medal
2010-09-20 Stellenbosch to host ESSA Conference in 2011
2010-05-20 Policy briefs to disseminate research
2010-03-26 Top students announced
2010-02-26 Stellenbosch student third in Budget Speech competition
2009-12-03 Stellenbosch has four postgraduate finalists in Budget Sp...
2009-10-15 Winners of Young Economist competition 2009 announced
2009-09-22 Bursaries now available
2009-09-01 The countdown to Stellenbosch 2012 begins
2009-08-17 Postgraduate applications now open
2009-07-14 IMF course offers new insights
2009-04-09 Stellenbosch to host Economics postgraduate student confe...
2009-03-25 Masters student to represent department at World Business...
2009-03-24 Top students honoured at postgraduate function
2009-03-09 Economics lecturers honoured
2009-02-20 Budget speech competition open for entries
2009-02-10 Claudia Keser Lecture
2009-02-04 Congratulations to our Budget Speech finalists
2009-01-26 Samuel Bowles to visit Stellenbosh
2009-01-15 Bursary opportunities from Genesis
2008-11-10 Stellenbosch wins 2012 bid!
2008-10-24 WEHC 2012 bid committee visit Stellenbosch
2008-10-20 Young Economist winners announced
2008-10-15 Honours student wins rector's Succeeding Against the Odds...
2008-10-06 Mboweni at Stellenbosch: 'No room for ideology in financi...
2008-09-29 Economic History workshop builds excitement
2008-09-17 Willem Boshoff graduates with distinction
2008-09-15 Tito Mboweni to visit Stellenbosch
2008-09-03 Rudolf Gouws to speak to first years on Friday
2008-08-27 Postgraduate funding opportunities now available
2008-07-31 New website launched
2008-07-28 Young Economist competition now open
2008-07-28 Harri receives Schumann medal
(for staff & registered students)
BER Weekly
7 Feb 2025 A sensible SONA as Trump tangoes with tariffs and targets SAIt was a week filled with geopolitical upheavals. The fallout from President Ramaphosa’s signing of the Expropriation Bill continued to unfold. Just as tensions between the ANC and DA within the GNU appeared to be shifting toward constructive dialogue, US President Donald Trump chimed in on Sunday on social media. Meanwhile, SA President Cyril Ramaphosa...
Read the full issue
BER Weekly
7 Feb 2025 A sensible SONA as Trump tangoes with tariffs and targets SAIt was a week filled with geopolitical upheavals. The fallout from President Ramaphosa’s signing of the Expropriation Bill continued to unfold. Just as tensions between the ANC and DA within the GNU appeared to be shifting toward constructive dialogue, US President Donald Trump chimed in on Sunday on social media. Meanwhile, SA President Cyril Ramaphosa...
Read the full issue