Department hosts first ever Economics PhD conference

Posted by Melt van Schoor on 2019-08-16

The recently held two-day Economics PhD conference hosted by the Department and the Stellenbosch branch of the Economic Society of SA (ESSA) saw 23 PhD candidates from eight universities around the country presenting their doctoral research at Stellenbosch University. The program (available here, with downloadable papers) included presentations on a wide range of topics including a number of trade issues, rational altruism, risk preferences and job mobility, foreign demand and house prices, financial stress indicators and the effect of hyperinflation on asset poverty, to name but a few. Candidates who presented will have the further opportunity to submit their papers to the Studies in Economics and Econometrics journal for consideration for a special conference edition to be published in 2020.

The conference featured a keynote address by Dr Nara Monkam, Director of Research at the African Tax Administration Forum. Dr Monkam presented on her work around property tax and the potential it presents for African countries. We thank the sponsors, the Dean's office, ReSEP and ESSA. Next year’s conference is set to take place during the Department’s Centenary celebrations in October 2020 and promises to be a highlight on the calendar.


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