Journal Articles (subsidised)

ABEL M, BURGER RP, CARRANZA E, PIRAINO P. Bridging Intention-behavior gap? The effect of plan-making prompts on job search and employment. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2019; 11(2):284-301.

ABRAMITZKY R, BOUSTAN L, ERIKSSON KA. To the new world and back again: Return migrants in the age of mass migration. Industrial & Labor Relations Review 2019; 72(2):300-322.

BEAINO G, LOMBARDI D, SIKLOS PLS. The Transmission of Financial Shocks on a Global Scale: Some New Empirical Evidence. EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE 2019; 55(6):1634-1655.

BOOYSEN MJ, VISSER M, BURGER R. Temporal case study of household behavioural response to Cape Town’s “Day Zero” using smart meter data. WATER RESEARCH 2019; 149:414-420.

BOSHOFF WH, VAN JAARSVELD R. Market definition using consumer characteristics and cluster analysis. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2019; 87(3):302-325.

BOSHOFF WH, VAN JAARSVELD R. Recurrent collusion: cartel episodes and overcharge in the South African cement market. Review of industrial organization 2019; 54(2):353-380.

BURGER R, BURGER RP, ROSSOUW L. An Incentive-Based and Community Health Worker Package Invervention to improve early utilization of antenatal care: Evidence from a Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2019; 23(5):633-640.

BURGER R, SMITH AM, BLACK V. Demand-Side causes and covariates of late antenatal care access in Cape Town, South Africa. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2019; 23(4):512-521.

CHINGOZHA T, VON FINTEL DP. The complementarity between property rights and martket access for crop cultivation in Southern Rhodesia: Evidence from Historical satellite data. Economic History of Developing Regions 2019; 34(2):132-155.

CHRISTIAN CS, BURGER JW, CLAASSENS MM, BOND V, BURGER R. Patient predictors of health-seeking behaviour for persons coughing for more than two weeks in high-burden tuberculosis communities: the case of the Western Cape, South Africa. BMC Health Services Research 2019; 19:160, 8 pages.

CILLIERS J, FOURIE J, SWANEPOEL C. 'Unobtrusively into the ranks of colonial society' : Intergenerational wealth mobility in the Cape Colony over the eighteenth century. Economic History of Developing Regions 2019; 34(1):48-71.

DARE C, DU PLESSIS SWF, JANSEN AI. Tax revenue mobilisation: Estimates of South Africa's personal income tax gap. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2019; 22(1):a2817, 8 pages.

DU PLESSIS SA, ORTHOFER AF, REID MB. Private Wealth in a Developing Country : Evidence from South Africa. Review of income and wealth 2019; 65(3):632-656.

EBERHARD-RUIZ A, MORADI A. Regional market integration in East Africa: Local but no regional effects?. Journal of Development of Economics 2019; 140:255-268.

ERIKSSON KA, THOMASSON M, NIEMESH G T. Revising infant mortality rates for the early Twentieth Century United States. Demography 2018; 55(6):2001-2023.

ERIKSSON KA, WARD Z. The Residential Segregation of Immigrants in the United States from 1850 to 1940. Journal of economic history 2019; 79(4):989-1026.

ERIKSSON KA. Moving North and into jail? The great migration and black incarceration. Journal of economic behavior and organization 2019; 159:526-538.

FELDKIRCHER M, SIKLOS PLS. Global inflation dynamics and inflation expectations. International Review of Economics and Finance 2019; 64:217-241.

FIBAEK M, GREEN EO. Labour Control and the Establishment of Profitable Settler Agribulture in Colonial Kenya,c. 1920-45. Economic History of Developing Regions 2019; 34(1):72-110.

FOURIE H, DE BIJL PWJ. Race to the top: Does competition in the DSL market matter for fibre penetration?. Telecommunications policy 2018; 42:778-793.

FOURIE J, INWOOD K. Interracial marriages in twentieth-century Cape Town: Evidence from Anglican marriage records. History of the family 2019; 24(3):629-652.

FOURIE J, VON FINTEL DP. The great divergence in South Africa: Population and wealth dynamics over two centuries. Journal of comparative economics (Print) 2019; 47:759-773.

FOURIE J. Who writes African Economic History?. Economic History of Developing Regions 2019; 34(2):111-131.

FREYTAG A, SCHMIED J. Debt relief and good governance: New evidence of developing countries for the period 1990-2013. Applied econometrics and international development 2019; 19(1):15-41.

HAVEMANN RC. Can Creditor Bail-in Trigger Contagion? The Experience of an Emerging Market. Review of Finance 2019; 23(6):1155-1180.

HOFMEYR H, WILLS G. Academic resilience in challenging contexts: Evidence from township and rural primary schools in South Africa. International Journal of Educational Research 2019; 98:192-205.

HOLLANDER H, GUPTA R, WOHAR M E. The impact of oil shocks in a small open economy New-Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model for an oil-importing country: The Case of South Africa. EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE 2019; 55(1):1593-1618.

HOWORTH S, SIKLOS PLS, LOMBARDI D. Together or Apart? Monetary Policy Divergences in the G4. Open economies review 2019; 30(2):191-217.

KATZKE NF, VAN TIDDENS C. FTSE/JSE Index migration: Testing for a tradeable index effect. Investment Analysts Journal 2019; 48(4):298-317.

KOOMEN LEM, BURGER R, VAN DOORSLAER EKA. Effects and determinants of tuberculosis drug stockouts in South Africa. BMC Health Services Research 2019; 19:213, 10 pages.

KOTZÉ J, FLEISCH B, TAYLOR SGS. Alternative forms of early grade instructional coaching: Emerging evidence from field experiments in South Africa. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2019; 66:203-213.

LIU G, MOLISE TE. Housing and credit market shocks: Explore the role of rule-based Basel III counter-cyclical capital requirements. Economic modelling 2019; 89:264-279.

LOMBARDI D, SIKLOS PLS, ST.AMAND S. Asset Price Spillovers from Unconventional Monetary Policy: A Global Empirical Perspective. International Journal of Central Banking 2019; 15(2):43-74.

LOMBARDI D, SIKLOS PLS, ST.AMAND S. Government bond yields at the effective lower bound: International evidence. Contemporary economic policy 2019; 37(1):102-120.

MAMO N, BHATTACHARYYA S, MORADI A. Intensive and extensive margins of mining and development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Development of Economics 2019; 139:28-49.

MCHENGA M, BURGER R, VON FINTEL DP. Examining the impact of WHO's Focused Antenatal Care Policy on early access, underutilisation and quality of antenatal care services in Malawi: A retrospective study. BMC Health Services Research 2019; 19:295, 14 pages.

OBIKILI NY. The impact of political competition on economic growth: Evidence from municipalities in South Africa. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2019; 87(1):3-21.

SPAULL NA. Who makes it into PISA? Understanding the impact of PISA sample eligibility using Turkey as a case study (PISA 2003-PISA 2012). Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 2019; 26(4):397-421.

TAYLOR N, WILLS G, HOADLEY U. Addressing the 'leadership conundrum' through a mixed methods study of school leadership for literacy. Research in Comparative and International Education 2019; 14(1):30-53.

VON FINTEL DP, RICHTER L. Intergenerational transfer of health inequalities: exploration of mechanisms in the Birth to Twenty cohort in South Africa. BMJ Global Health 2019; 4(5):e001828, 6 pages.

WAGSTAFF A, VAN DOORSLAER EKA, BURGER R. SMS nudges as a tool to reduce tuberculosis treatment delay and pretreatment loss to follow-up. A randomized controlled trial. PLoS One 2019; 14(6):e0218527, 14 pages.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)

BURGER R, OWENS T, PRAKASH A. Global Non-Profit chains and the challenges of development aid contracting. Nonprofit Policy Forum 2019; 9(4):1-12.

DÖRFFEL C, DRAPER P, FREYTAG A, SCHUHMANN S. Trade, Inclusive Development and the Global Order. Global Summitry 2018; 4(1):30–49.

MARCO GRACIA FJ, FOURIE J. Missing boys: Explaining South Africa's unbalanced sex ratio, 1894-2011. Economic Research Southern Africa 2019; 1(1):1-29.

Chapters in Books

BOSHOFF WH, BINGE LH. Alternative Cycle Indicators for the South African Business Cycle. In: Smirnov S, Ozyildirim A, Picchetti P (eds.) Business Cycles in BRICS, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 447-464.

CAREL D, MOTALA S. Educational funding and equity in South African schools. In: JANSEN J, SPAULL NA (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality - A study of the present situation and future possibilities, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 67-86.

DAVIS D, MBEWE S, WOOLARD ID. Wealth taxation as an instrument to reduce wealth inequality in South Africa. In: Reddy V, Soudien C, WOOLARD ID (eds.) Poverty & Inequality: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Response, HSRC Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2019: 169-185.

GUSTAFSSON MA. Pursuing Equity through policy in the schooling sector 2007-2017. In: JANSEN J, SPAULL NA (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 47-66.

JANSEN J. Inequality in Education: What is to Be Done?. In: SPAULL NA, JANSEN J (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 355-372.

KOTZÉ J, VAN DER BERG S. Mathematical performance among the poor: Comparative Performance across developing countries. In: Fritz A, Haase V G, Räsänen P (eds.) International Handbook of Mathematical Learning Difficulties, From the Laboratory to the Classroom, Springer, Cham, Germany, 2019: 57-71.

PRETORIUS E, SPAULL NA. Still falling at the first hurdle: Examining early grade reading in South Africa. In: JANSEN J, SPAULL NA (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 147-168.

REDDY V, SOUDIEN C, WOOLARD ID. South Africa 2018: The state of the discussion on poverty and inequality. In: Reddy V, Soudien C, WOOLARD ID (eds.) Poverty & Inequality: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Response, HSRC Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2019: 1-28.

SHEPHERD DL. Understanding language in education and grade 4 reading performance using a 'natural' experiment of Botswana and South Africa. In: Lenkeit J, Schwippert K (eds.) Assessment of Reading in International Studies, Routledge Taylor & Francis, London and New York, United Kingdom, 2019: 87-106.

SIEBRITS FK. Globalization and Social Protection: An Economic Perspective. In: VAN BEEK UJM (ed.) Democracy under Threat: A Crisis of Legitimacy?, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 255-279.

SPAULL NA, LILENSTEIN AK. Assessing Early Literacy Outcomes in Burkina Faso and Senegal: Using DHS and PASEC to Combine Access and Quality. In: Comings JP, SPAULL NA (eds.) Improving Early Literacy Outcomes: Curriculum, Teaching, and Assessment, Brill, Boston, USA, 2019: 47-62.

SPAULL NA. Equity: A price too high to pay?. In: JANSEN J, SPAULL NA (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 1-24.

SPAULL NA. Learning to Read and Write for Meaning and Pleasure. In: Comings JP, SPAULL NA (eds.) Improving Early Literacy Outcomes: Curriculum, Teaching, and Assessment, Brill, Boston, USA, 2019: 1-11.

TAYLOR SGS. How can learning inequalities be reduced? Lessons learnt from experimental research in South Africa. In: JANSEN J, SPAULL NA (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 321-336.

VAN BROEKHUIZEN H, VAN DER BERG S, HOFMEYR H. From Grade 12 into, and through, university: Higher education access and success for the 2008 national NSC cohort. In: Rogan M (ed.) Post-school education and the labour market in South Africa, HSRC Press, Pretoria, South Africa, 2018: 79-99.

VAN DER BERG S, GUSTAFSSON MA. Educational Outcomes in Post-apartheid South Africa: Signs of Progress Despite Great Ineqaulity. In: JANSEN J, SPAULL NA (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 25-45.

WILLS G. School Leadership and Management: Identifying Linkages with Learning and Structural Inequalities. In: JANSEN J, SPAULL NA (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 301-320.

ZUZE-WILLCOX TL, BEKU U. Gender Inequalities in South African Schools: New Complexities. In: SPAULL NA, JANSEN J (eds.) South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 225-242.

Research Reports

DU PLESSIS SA, RIETVELD M. Balance-sheet policies and the South African Reserve Bank. 2019: 9 pp.

LAUBSCHER P, VENTER JLC. The release of high-demand radio spectrum - some considerations in realising the potential economic impact. 2019: 15 pp.

Doctoral completed

CHRISTIAN CS. Exploring demand and supply constraints on early TB detection in South Africa. PhD, 2019. 189 pp.

EHLERS N. A comprehensive framework for identifying and responding to second-round effects on inflation. PhD, 2019. 265 pp.

HAVEMANN RC. Lessons from South African bank failures, 2002 to 2014. PhD, 2019. 153 pp.

MAKALUZA NN. An empirical investigation into the gendered informality and job seach in the South African Labor Market. PhD, 2019. 146 pp.

MALINDI KN. An investigation of the labour market determinants of income dynamics for a highly unequal society: The South African Case. PhD, 2019. 160 pp.

SEABE D. An economics examination of non-profit accountability to client communities in South Africa. PhD, 2019. 195 pp.

VILJOEN C. A new Institutional Economics (NIE) perspective on institutional change and leadership in Rwanda, from pre-history to post-genocide. PhD, 2019. 214 pp.

Masters completed

BOUCHER B. The Bass Diffusion Model for Communication Technology Globally and the Economic Factors that influence it. MA, 2019. 60 pp.


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8 Nov 2024
Donald Trump convincingly won the US presidential election. It was not nearly as close as most pollsters and number crunchers had expected, with Trump even winning the popular vote. Flying under the radar of the US election was the effective collapse of the German coalition government, with a snap election possible in March. Meanwhile, on the monetary...

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