Recent Publications (2005)

Journal Articles

ALTENKIRCH A. The determinants of sovereign credit ratings: a new empirical approach. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(3) : 11.

BLACK PA. Dumping and "Material Injury": A theoretical note. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(3) : 3.

BOOYSEN FLER, VAN DER BERG S. The role of social grants in mitigating the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS in two Free State communities. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(2) : 19.

BOSHOFF WH. The properties of cycles in South African financial variables and their relation to the business cycle. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(4) : 16.

BURGER R. What we have learnt from post-1994 innovations in pro-poor service delivery in South Africa: a case study-based analysis. Development Southern Africa 2005; 22(4) : 18.

BURGER RP, DE VILLIERS AP. The macroeconomic impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: A supply-side analysis. Studies in Economics and Econometrics/studies in Ekonomie En Ekonometrie (s.e.e) 2005; 29(1) : 14.

DU PLESSIS SA, DU PLESSIS SWF. Regulatory takings. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(1) : 12.

DU PLESSIS SA. Exogeneity in a recent exchange rate model: A response to MacDonald and Ricci. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(4) : 5.

DU PLESSIS SA. Propsals for strengthening the SARB's inflation targeting regime. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(2) : 17.

DU PLESSIS SA. The democratic deficit and inflation targeting. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(1) : 11.

JAFTA RCC. The role of new technology in the South African textile industry's quest for survival in the 1990s. South African Journal of Economic History 2005; 20(2) : 28.

MOORE BJ. The Deflationary Bias in the Current International Financial Architecture, and the Keynesian Case for Dollarisation and Euroisation. Restructuring the International Financial and Monetary System. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 2005.

MOORE BJ. The Post Keynesian Case for No Exchange Rates. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 2005.

OKURUT FN, SCHOOMBEE GA, VAN DER BERG S. Credit demand and credit rationing in the informal financial sector in Uganda. South African Journal of Economics 2005; 73(3) : 15.

VAN DER BERG S. The evidence on poverty. New Agenda:South African Journal of Economic and Social Policy 2005; 17(1) : 7.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)

BURGER RP, WOOLARD I. The State of the Labour Market in South Africa after the First Decade of Democracy. Journal of Vocational Education and Training 2005; 57(4) : 23.

VAN DER BERG S. Performance of the South African school system. Strategy Insights: Social 2005; 10(2) : 1-5.

Chapters in Books

BLACK PA, SIEBRITS K. Imperfect competition. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 12.

BLACK PA, SIEBRITS K. Public expenditure and growth. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 19.

BLACK PA, SIEBRITS K. Public goods and externalities. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 18.

BLACK PA. Benchmark model of the economy: positive and normative approaches. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 15.

BLACK PA. Cost-benefit analysis. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 11.

BLACK PA. Equity and the social welfare. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 10.

BLACK PA. Public choice theory. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 14.

CALITZ E, SIEBRITS K. Fiscal policy. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 36.

CALITZ E. Public debt and debt management. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 34.

CALITZ E. The public sector in the Economy. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 13.

COUGHLIN P., IKIARA M, MANDA DK, JAFTA RCC. Globalisation, Technological Imperatives, and Labour Relations in Mozambique: Comparisons with Kenya, Malaysia and South Africa. In Labour Relations in Mozambique: Law, Praxis & Economic Implications with International Comparisons, Econ Policy Research Group, Ltd, Maputo, Mozambique, 2005: 90.

DU PLESSIS SA. New tools for the Constitutional Bench. In Theories of Social and Economic Justice, Sun Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2005: 19.

MOORE BJ. L'endogénéité de I'offre de monnaie: fixe-t-on le "prix" ou la "quantité" des réserves?. In Théories Monétaires - Post Keynésiennes, Economica, Paris, France, 2005: 11.

VAN DER BERG S, BURGER R. Social delivery in South Africa. In The Next Decade: Perspectives on South Africa's growth and development, The Centre for Development and Enterprise, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2005: 28.

VAN DER BERG S. Poverty and inequality in South Africa: fiscal and social policy issues. In Public Economics, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 25.

VAN DER BERG S. The schooling solution: Primary school performance is the key. In Economic Transformation Audit, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 8.

Research Reports

BURGER R, BURGER RP, KOTZE K. Capacity constraints in African countries. 2005: 99 pp.

BURGER R, BURGER RP. Financial sector development in African countries. 2005: 64 pp.

BURGER RP. A Report on the Quantitative Impact of Regulatory Costs on the Growth of Companies in Specific Sectors of the South African Economy. 2005: 14 pp.

BURGER RP. Analsysis of the Feasibility of Compiling an Employment Index for South Africa Based on Qualitative Data Measurement. 2005: 14 pp.

JANSEN IA. The costs and benefits of Urban River and Wetland rehabilitation projects with specific reference to their implications for municipal finance: Case studies in Cape Town. 2005: 45 pp.

SWANEPOEL C. Poverty and Poverty Dynamics in Rural Ethiopia. 2005: 33 pp.

THERON NM, JAFTA RCC, BOSHOFF WH. Impact assessment study of competition policy and law - the food sector in South Africa. 2005: 146 pp.

VAN DER BERG S, BURGER R, BURGER RP, LOUW M, YU D. Trends in poverty and inequality since the political transition. 2005: 38 pp.

VAN DER BERG S, BURGER R, YU D. Determinants of Education Quality: A Report on the Western Cape Primary School Pupil Survey 2003. 2005: 45 pp.

VAN DER BERG S. Fiscal expenditure incidence in South Africa, 1995 and 2000. 2005: 44 pp.

VAN DER BERG S. Public spending and the poor since the transition to democracy. 2005: 29 pp.

VAN DER BERG S. The demand for welfare services: What can we learn from international literature?. 2005: 24 pp.

Doctoral completed

DU PLESSIS SWF. Institutions and institutional change as explanation for differences in economic development - a study of the first three decades of the post-colonial experience of Zambia and Botswana. PhD, 2005. 260 pp.

OKURUT FN. Credit demand and credit rationing in the informal financial sector in Uganda. PhD, 2005. 246 pp.

Masters completed

GUSTAFSSON M. School production modelling to strengthen government monitoring programmes in developing countries. MComm, 2005. 204 pp.

NIGRINI M. Financial services for poor South Africans: An analysis of Financial Service Cooperatives. MComm, 2005. 135 pp.

TREGURTHA NL. An approach to Human Development in Rural Western Cape with specific reference to farm workers. MComm, 2005. 172 pp.


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