Research Publications (2013)
Journal Articles (subsidised)
ASIEDU E, KALONDA-KANYAMA I, NDIKUMANA L, NTI-ADDAE A. Access to Credit by Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa: How Relevant is Gender? American Economic Review 2013; 103(3) : 293-297.
BINDER M, FREYTAG A. Volunteering, subjective well-being and public policy. Journal of Economic Psychology 2013; 34 : 97-119.
BURGER R, OWENS T. Receive Grants or Perish? The Survival Prospects of Ugandan Non-Governmental Organisations. Journal of Development Studies 2013; 49(9) : 1284-1298.
CALITZ E, ESSOP H. Fiscal centralisation in a federal state: the South African case. Southern African Business Review 2013; 17(3) : 131-155.
COETZEE M. Finding the Benefits: Estimating the impact of the South African Child Support Grant. South African Journal of Economics 2013; 81(3) : 427-450.
CROOKES DJ, BLIGNAUT JN, DE WITT MP, ESLER KJ, LE MAITRE DC, MILTON SJ, MITCHELL SA, CLOETE J, DE ABREU P, FOURIE H, GULL K, MARX D, MUGIDO W, NDHLOVU T, NOWELL M, PAUW M, REBELO AJ. System dynamic modelling to assess economic viability and risk trade-offs for ecological restoration in South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management 2013; 120 : 138-147.
DE VILLIERS AP. Fiscal incidence of public expenditure on HE in South Africa: A comparison between 2000 and 2006. South African Journal of Higher Education 2013; 27(4) : 815-837.
DOYAILI S A, FREYTAG A, DRAPER P. IBSA: Fading out or forging a common vision?. South African Journal of International Affairs 2013; 20(2) : 297-310.
DRAPER P, FREYTAG A, DOYAILI S A. Why should Sub-Saharan African care about the Doha Development Round?. Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal 2013; 7 : 1-26.
DU PLESSIS SA. Nationalising South African Mines: an Economic Assessment. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 2013; 113(1) : 1-8.
DU PLESSIS SWF, VAN DER BERG S. Early roots of "coloured" poverty: Some snapshots and a story. New Contree 2013; 68 : 1-25.
FOLDVARI P, VAN LEEUWEN B, VAN ZANDEN JL. The Contribution of Migration to Economic Development in Holland 1570-1800. De Economist 2013; 161(1) : 1-18.
FOURIE H, DE WIT MP, VAN DER MERWE A. The role and value of water in natural capital restoration on the Agulhas Plain. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2013; 16(1) : 83-95.
FOURIE J, SANTANA-GALLEGO M. Ethnic reunion and cultural affinity. Tourism Management 2013; 36 : 411-420.
FOURIE J, SANTANA-GALLEGO M. The determinants of African tourism. Development Southern Africa 2013; 30(3) : 347-366.
FOURIE J, VAN ZANDEN JL. GDP in Dutch Cape Colony: The National Accounts of a Slave-Based Society. South African Journal of Economics 2013; 81(4) : 467-490.
FOURIE J. The remarkable wealth of the Dutch Cape Colony: measurements from eighteenth-century probate inventories. Economic History Review 2013; 66(2) : 419-448.
FREYTAG A, VOLL S. Institutions and savings in developing and emerging economies. Public Choice 2013; 157 : 475-509.
GUSTAFSSON M. More countries, similar results: A nonlinear programming approach to normalising test scores needed for growth regressions. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics Tydskrif vir Studies in Ekonomie en Ekonometrie 2013; 37(2) : 93-111.
JAFTA RCC, UCTU R. Bio-entrepreneurship as a bridge between science and business in a regional cluster: South Africa's first attempts. Science and Public Policy 2014; 1(1) : 1-15.
JAFTA RCC, UCTU R. Exploring entrepreneurial activity at Cape Town and Stellenbosch Universities, South Africa. Industry and Higher Education 2013; 27(2) : 117-128.
JANSEN AI, FOURIE J, SIEBRITS K. Public Finances under Company Rule: The Dutch Cape Colony (1652-1795). New Contree 2013; 68(1) : 1-21.
JANSEN AI, STOLTZ EAP, YU D. The targeting of zero-rated basic foodstuffs under value-added tax (VAT) in South Africa. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics Tydskrif vir Studies in Ekonomie en Ekonometrie 2013; 37(3) : 87-104.
JOOSTE C, LIU G, NARAIDOO R. Analysing the effects of fiscal policy shocks in the South African economy. Economic Modelling 2013; 32 : 215-224.
LIU G. Will the SARB always succeed in fighting inflation with contractionary policy?. South African Journal of Economics 2013; 81(3) : 330-345.
MABUGU R, CHITIGA M, ROBICHAUD V, MAISONNAVE H. Impact of fiscal policy in an intertemporal CGE model for South Africa. Economic Modelling 2013; 31 : 775-782.
NTSHOE I, DE VILLIERS AP. Funding sources for public higher education in South Africa: Institutional responses. Perspectives in Education 2013; 31(4) : 71-84.
RANKIN N A, SCHÖER V. Export Destination, Product Quality and Wages in a Middle-Income Country. The Case of South Africa. Review of Development Economics 2013; 17(1) : 64-73.
REID M, GUPTA R. Macroeconomics Surprises and Stock Returns in South Africa. Studies in Economics and Finance 2013; 30(3) : 266-282.
REID M, SIMO-KENGNE B D, BALCILAR M, GUPTA R, AYE G C. Is the relationship between monetary policy and house prices asymmetric across bull and bear markets in South Africa? Evidence from a Markov-switching vector autoregressive model. Economic Modelling 2013; 32(1) : 161-171.
SMIT JP, BUEKENS F, DU PLESSIS S. Developing the incentivized action view of institutional reality. Synthese 2013; DOI 10.1007(DOI 10.1007/s11229-013-0370-5) : 1-18.
SPAULL N. Poverty & Privilege: Primary School Inequality in South Africa. International Journal of Educational Development 2013; 33(5) : 436-447.
UCTU R, ESSOP H. The role of government in developing the biotechnology industry: a South African perspective. Prometheus 2013; 31(1) : 21-33.
VAN ENGELHARDT S, FREYTAG A, KÖLLMANN V. Wettbewerbspolitischer handlungsbedarf bei der Verknüpfung von zweiseitigen Märkten im Internet: Der Fall Google. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 2013; 62(3) : 311-332.
VAN ENGELHARDT S, FREYTAG A. Institutions, culture and open source. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 2013; 95 : 90-110.
VAN ZANDEN JL, BOSKER M, BURINGH E. From Baghdad to London: Unraveling Urban Development in Europe, The Middle East, and North Africa, 1800-1800. Review of Economics and Statistics 2013; 95(4) : 1418-1437.
VON FINTEL DP, DU PLESSIS SWF, JANSEN AI. The Wealth of Cape Colony Widows: Inheritance Laws and Investment Responses following male death in the 17th and 18th centuries. Economic History of Developing Regions 2013; 28(1) : 87-108.
YU D. Revisiting unemployment levels and trends in South Africa since the transition. Development Southern Africa 2013; 30(6) : 701-723.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
RAUDONEN S, FREYTAG A. Determinants of FDI Inflows into the Baltic Countries: Empirical Evidence from a Gravity Model. Journal of Business and Economics 2013; 4(2) : 180-194.
UCTU R, PILLAY N S. A snapshot of the successful bio-clusters around the world: Lessons for South African biotechnology. Journal of Commerical Biotechnology 2013; 19(1) : 40-52.
Chapters in Books
GUSTAFSSON M, MABOGOANE T. Where to from here? From fact to act. In Creating effective schools, Pearson, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013: 255-281.
TAYLOR N, TAYLOR S. Teacher knowledge and professional habitus. In Creating effective schools, Pearson, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013: 202-232.
TAYLOR S, TAYLOR N. Learner performance in the NSES. In Creating effective schools, Pearson, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013: 31-60.
TAYLOR S. Modelling educational achievement. In Creating effective schools, Pearson, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013: 61-99.
VAN DER BERG S, MABOGOANE T, TAYLOR N. Context, theory, design. In Creating effective schools, Pearson, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013: 1-30.
VORSTER C, MAYET A, TAYLOR S. The language of teaching and learning in South Africa schools. In Creating effective schools, Pearson, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013: 135-156.
Doctoral completed
MASHAKADA T. Macro-Economic consequences of fiscal deficits in developing countries: A comparative Study of Zimbabwe and selected African countries (1980-2008). PhD, 2013. 566 pp. Promotor: Smit BW, Van Der Berg S.
Masters completed
HELSBY C. Barriers to private housing development in townships in the Western Cape. MComm, 2013. 172 pp. Studieleier: Essop H.
(for staff & registered students)
BER Weekly
8 Nov 2024Donald Trump convincingly won the US presidential election. It was not nearly as close as most pollsters and number crunchers had expected, with Trump even winning the popular vote. Flying under the radar of the US election was the effective collapse of the German coalition government, with a snap election possible in March. Meanwhile, on the monetary...
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BER Weekly
8 Nov 2024Donald Trump convincingly won the US presidential election. It was not nearly as close as most pollsters and number crunchers had expected, with Trump even winning the popular vote. Flying under the radar of the US election was the effective collapse of the German coalition government, with a snap election possible in March. Meanwhile, on the monetary...
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