Recent Publications (2008)
Journal Articles (subsidised)
BLACK PA. Alcohol Taxes versus Preventative Measures: A Theoretical Note. South African Journal of Economics 2008; 75(4) : 607-611.
BOSHOFF WH, FOURIE J. Explaining ship traffic fluctuations at the early Cape settlement 1652-1793. South African Journal of Economic History 2008; 23(1&2) : 1-27.
BOSHOFF WH. Cigarette demand in South Africa over 1996-2006: The role of price, income and health awareness. South African Journal of Economics 2008; 76(1) : 118-131.
BOSHOFF WH. Rethinking ASGISA and the Rand Exchange Rate. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2008; 11(1) : 113-118.
DE VILLIERS AP, NTSHOE I. Steering the South African higher education sector towards transformation. Perspectives in Education 2008; 26(4) : 1-11.
DU PLESSIS SA, SMIT BW, STURZENEGGER F. Identifying Aggregate Supply and Demand Shocks in South Africa. Journal of African Economies 2008; 17(5) : 765-793.
FIRER C, GILBERT E, MAYTHAM A. Dividend policy in South Africa. INVESTMENT ANALYSTS JOURNAL 2008; 68 : 5-19.
FOURIE J. A note on infrastructure quality in South Africa. Development Southern Africa 2008; 25(4) : 481-494.
HORN PM, JANSEN AI. Improving the success rates of first-year Economics Students by means of a summer school programme - an evaluation. Education As Change 2008; 12(1) : 67-79.
KHAMFULA YA, MLACHILA M, EPHRAIM E. Donor herding and domestic debt crisis. Applied Economics Letters 2007; 14(4) : 299-302.
MCDONALD S, PUNT C, RANTHO L, VAN SCHOOR MP. Cost and benefits of higher tariffs on wheat imports to South Africa. AGREKON 2008; 47(1) : 19-51.
NIEHAUS DJH, DU PLESSIS SA, KOEN L, LATEGAN BH, STEYN J, OOSTHUIZEN PP, WARNICH L, EMSLEY RA. Predictors of abnormal involuntary movement in an African Schizophrenia population . Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 20(3) : 317-326.
THERON NM. The Sasol/Engin (UHAMBO) Merger-foreclosure and white fuel demand growth rates. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2008; 11(3) : 264-287.
VAN DER BERG S, LOUW M, YU D. Post-transition poverty trends based on an alternative data source. South African Journal of Economics 2008; 76(1) : 58-76.
VON MALTITZ M, VAN DER BERG S, BOOYSEN FLER, BURGER R, DU RAND GP. Using an asset index to assess trends in poverty in seven sub-Saharan African countries. World Development 2008; 36(6) : 1113-1130.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
VAN DER BERG S. How effective are poor schools? Poverty and educational outcomes in South Africa. Studies in Educational Evaluation 2008; 34(3) : 145-154.
VAN DER BERG S. Review of: Cross-national Studies of the Quality of Education: Planning their design and managing their impact. Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education 2008; 38(2) : 247-258.
Proceedings International
VAN DER BERG S, LOUW M. South African student performance in regional context. Investment choices for South African Education, Johannesburg, South Africa, Wits University Press 2008: 49-69.
Chapters in Books
BURGER R, BOOYSEN F LE ROUX, VAN DER BERG S, VON MALTITZ M. Marketable wealth in a poor African country: Wealth accumulation by households in Ghana. In Personal Wealth From a Global Perspective, Oxford, New York, USA, 2008: 248-269.
VAN DER BERG S. Poverty, socioeconomic development and the distribution of income in South Africa: fiscal and social policy issues. In Public Economics for South African students, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2008: 223-248.
Masters completed
VERWEY LP. Key efficiency and equity aspects of providing basic local services in South Africa. MComm, 2008. 178 pp
(for staff & registered students)
BER Weekly
1 Nov 2024The Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS), delivered on Wednesday, was the highlight of the week domestically. The MTBPS was a little underwhelming, but to be fair, fiscal policy works better when there are no surprises. While the most interesting domestic data releases are scheduled for later today, the international calendar was jampacked, with...
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BER Weekly
1 Nov 2024The Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS), delivered on Wednesday, was the highlight of the week domestically. The MTBPS was a little underwhelming, but to be fair, fiscal policy works better when there are no surprises. While the most interesting domestic data releases are scheduled for later today, the international calendar was jampacked, with...
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