Recent Publications (2007)

Journal Articles (subsidised)

BOSHOFF WH. Stationarity tests in geographic markets: An application to South African milk markets. South African Journal of Economics 2007; 75(1) : 52-65.
DE VILLIERS AP, STEYN AGW. The changing face of public financing of higher education, with special reference to South Africa. South African Journal of Economics 2007; 75(1) : 136-145.
DU PLESSIS SA, MAENNIG W. World Cup 2010: South African economic perspective and policy challenges informed by the experience of Germany 2006. Contemporary Economic Policy 2007; 25(4) : 578-590.
DU PLESSIS SA, SMIT BW. Countercyclical monetary policy in South Africa. Studies in Economics and Econometrics/studies in Ekonomie En Ekonometrie (s.e.e) 2007; 31(1) : 79-98.
DU PLESSIS SWF. Property rights as an institution in Zambia. South African Journal of Economic History 2007; 22(1 & 2) : 1-21.
FOURIE J. The South African poor white problem in the early twentieth century: Lessons for poverty today. Management Decision 2007; 45(8) : 1270-1296.
GROBLER C, STUART I C. Health care provider choice. South African Journal of Economics 2007; 75(2) : 327-350.
GUSTAFSSON M. Using the hierarchical linear model to understand school production in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics 2007; 75(1) : 84-98.
OKURUT FN, SCHOOMBEE GA. Credit market access in Uganda: Evidence from household survey data 1999/2000. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2007; 10(3) : 371-384.
SIEBRITS K, CALITZ E. The legacy and challenge of Fiscal Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa. South African Journal of Economics 2007; 75(2) : 221-235.
SMIT BW, DU PLESSIS SA. South Africa's growth revival after 1994. Journal of African Economies 2007; 16(5) : 668-704.
SMIT BW, STURZENEGGER F, DU PLESSIS SA. The Cyclicality of Monetary and Fiscal Policy in South Africa since 1994. South African Journal of Economics 2007; 75(3) : 391-411.
VAN DER BERG S, LOUW M, YU D. Convergence of a kind: educational attainment and intergenerational social mobility in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics 2007; 75(3) : 548-571.
VAN DER BERG S. Apartheid's enduring legacy: Inequalities in education. Journal of African Economies 2007; 16(5) : 849-880.
VON FINTEL DP. Dealing with earnings bracket responses in household surveys - How sharp are midpoint imputations?. South African Journal of Economics 2007; 75(2) : 293-312.

Chapters in Books
THERON NM. Anti-Dumping Procedures: Lessons for Developing Countries with special emphasis on the South African Experience. In Anti-Dumping: Global abuse of a trade policy instrument, Academic Foundation, Liberty Institute, Delhi, India, 2007: 67-84.

Doctoral completed
OKUMU LJ. Microfinance Industry in Uganda: sustainability, outreach and regulation. PhD, 2007. 285 pp. Promotor: Schoombee GA.
VAN WYK C J. The development of an education management information system from a sense making perspective and the application of quantitative methods to analyse education data sets. PhD, 2007. 265 pp. Promotor: Van Der Berg S.

Masters completed
BILALE FJC. Educational Performance in Mozambique: an Economic Perspective. MComm, 2007. 85 pp.


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7 Feb 2025 A sensible SONA as Trump tangoes with tariffs and targets SA
It was a week filled with geopolitical upheavals. The fallout from President Ramaphosa’s signing of the Expropriation Bill continued to unfold. Just as tensions between the ANC and DA within the GNU appeared to be shifting toward constructive dialogue, US President Donald Trump chimed in on Sunday on social media. Meanwhile, SA President Cyril Ramaphosa...

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BER Weekly

7 Feb 2025 A sensible SONA as Trump tangoes with tariffs and targets SA
It was a week filled with geopolitical upheavals. The fallout from President Ramaphosa’s signing of the Expropriation Bill continued to unfold. Just as tensions between the ANC and DA within the GNU appeared to be shifting toward constructive dialogue, US President Donald Trump chimed in on Sunday on social media. Meanwhile, SA President Cyril Ramaphosa...

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