Journal Articles (subsidised)

BALCILAR M, KATZKE NF, GUPTA R. Date-stamping US housing market explosivity. Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal 2018; 12:1-34.

BOARINI R, CAUSA O, FLEURBAEY M, GRIMALDA G, WOOLARD ID. Reducing inequalities and strenghening social cohesion through inclusive growth: a roadmap for action. Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal 2018; 12(63):1-26.

BOHL MT, SIKLOS PLS, WELLENREUTHER C. Speculative Activity and Returns Volatility of Chinese Major Agricultural Commodity Futures. Journal of Asian Economics 2018; 54(1):69-91.

BOSHOFF WH, FRUBING S, HUSCHELRATH K. Information exchange under non-binding advance price announcements: an antitrust analysis. European journal of law and economics 2018; 45(3):439-468.

BOSHOFF WH, MCLEAN LS. What do deviation cycles measure? An analysis of the informational content of filter-based business cycles. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2018; 21(1):a1689, 11 pages.

BURDEKIN RCK, SIKLOS PLS. Quantifying the impact of the November 2014 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. International Review of Economics and Finance 2018; 57:156-163.

BURGER R, VON FINTEL M, VAN DER WATT C. Household Social Mobility for Paid Domestic Workers and Other Low-Skilled Women Employed in South Africa. Feminist economics 2018; 24(3):29-55.

CHRISTIAN CS, GERDTHAM UG, HOMPASHE DM, SMITH AM, BURGER R. Measuring Quality Gaps in TB Screening in South Africa using standardised patient analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018; 15(4):729, 10 pages.

CILLIERS JA, FOURIE J. Occupational mobility during South Africa's industrial take-off. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2018; 86(1):3-22.

FOURIE H, DE BIJL PWJ. Race to the top: Does competition in the DSL market matter for fibre penetration?. Telecommunications policy 2018; 42(9):778-793.

FOURIE J, GREEN EO. Building the Cape of Good Hope Panel. History of the family 2018; 23(3):493-502.

FOURIE J, HERRANZ-LONCÁN A. "For the public benefit"? Railways in the British Cape Colony. European Review of Economic History 2018; 22(1):73-100.

FOURIE J, SWANEPOEL C. 'Impending Ruin' or 'Remarkable Wealth'? The Role of Private Credit markets in the 18th-Century Cape Colony. Journal of Southern African Studies 2018; 44(1):7-25.

FOURIE J. Cliometrics in South Africa. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics Tydskrif vir Studies in Ekonomie en Ekonometrie 2018; 42(2):1-13.

GARBERS CF, LIU G. Macroprudential policy and foreign interest rate shocks: A comparison of loan-to-value and capital requirements. International Review of Economics and Finance 2018; 58(1):683-698.

GARCIA BARRAGAN F, LIU G. Welfare analysis of bank capital requirements with endogenous default. Economic modelling 2018; 73(1):15-29.

GUSTAFSSON MA, TAYLOR SGS. Treating Schools to a New Administration: Evidence of the impact of better practices in the system-level administration of schools. Journal of African economies 2018; 27(5):515-527.

HAAL K, VAN DOORSLAER EKA, SMITH AM. The rise and fall of mortality inequality in South Africa in the HIV era. SSM - Population Health 2018; 5(1):239-248.

ITAMAR C, KATZKE NF, GUPTA R. Date stamping historical periods of oil price explosivity: 1876-2014. Energy economics 2018; 70:582-587.

KERBY EM. Bamboo shoots: Asian migration, trade and business networks in South Africa. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics Tydskrif vir Studies in Ekonomie en Ekonometrie 2018; 42(2):103-137.

LOMBARDI D, SIKLOS PLS, ST.ARMAND S. A survey of the international evidence and lessons learned about unconventional monetary policies: Is a 'new normal' in our future?. Journal of economic surveys 2018; 32(5):1229-1256.

LOMBARDI D, SIKLOS PLS, XIE X. Monetary policy transmission in systemically important economies and China's impact. Journal of Asian Economics 2018; 59:61-79.

MATTHEE M, RANKIN NA, NAUGHTIN TL, BEZUIDENHOUT C. Understanding Manufactured Exporters at the Firm-Level: New insights from using SARS Administrative Data. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2018; 86(S1):96-119.

MCBRIDE V, VENUGOPAL R, CHINGOZHA T, GOVENDER K. The potential of astronomy for socioeconomic development in Africa. Nature Astronomy 2018; 2(7):511-514.

MEEHAN S, SLOOT R, DRAPER HR, NAIDOO P, BURGER R, BEYERS N. Factors associated with linkage to HIV care and TB treatment at community-based HIV testing services in Cape Town, South Africa. PLoS One 2018; 13(4):e0195208, 13 pages.

MPETA B, FOURIE J, INWOOD K. Black living standards in South Africa before democracy: New evidence from height. South African Journal of Science 2018; 114(1/2):Art. 32017-0052, 8pages.

NAUDE PJ, DU PLESSIS SA. Economic inequality: economics and theology in dialogue. International Journal of Public Theology 2018; 12:73-101.

NCHAKE MA, EDWARDS L, RANKIN NA. Closer monetary union and product market integration in emerging economies: Evidence from the Common Monetary Area in Southern Africa. International Review of Economics and Finance 2018; 54:154-164.

PIERDZIOCH C, REID MB, GUPTA R. On the Directional Accuracy of Inflation Forecasts: Evidence from South African Survey Data. JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS 2018; 45(5):884-900.

RANCHOD S, BURGER R, DREYER K, STEWART J, ADAMS C, CARVOUNES A, SMITH AM, VAN BILJON C. South Africa's hospital sector: old divisions and new developments. South African Health Review 2017; 2017:101-110.

ROSSOUW L, BAGO D'UVA T, VAN DOORSLAER EKA. Poor Health Reporting? Using Anchoring Vignettes to Uncover Health Disparities by Wealth and Race. Demography 2018; 55(5):1935-1956.

SHEPHERD DL. Understanding language in education and grade 4 reading performance using a natural experiment of Botswana and South Africa. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 2018; 25(1):87-106.

SIKLOS PLS. Boom and Bust Cycles in Emerging Markets: How Important is the Exchange Rate?. Journal of macroeconomics 2018; 56:172-187.

SMITH AM, RANCHOD S, STRUGNELL D, WISHNIA J. Human resources for health planning and National Health Insurance: the urgency and the opportunity. South African Health Review 2018; 2018(1):23-31.

SWANEPOEL C, FOURIE J. Why local context matters: Property rights and debt trading in colonial South Africa. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics Tydskrif vir Studies in Ekonomie en Ekonometrie 2018; 42(2):35-60.

THOMAS R, BURGER R, HAUCK K. Richer, wiser and in better health? The socioeconomic gradient in hypertension prevalence, unawareness and control in South Africa. Social science and medicine 2018; 217:18-30.

UCTU R, JAFTA RCC. Turbulence in the Biotechnology Sub-sector of the Western Cape Regional Innovation System. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 2018; 24(2):10-20.

VANDEN EYNDE O, KUHN PM, MORADI A. Trickle-Down Ethnic Politics: Drunk and Absent in the Kenya Police Force (1957-1970). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2018; 10(3):388-417.

VON FINTEL DP, MOSES EG. Migration and gender in South Africa: Following bright lights and the fortunes of others?. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2017; 9(4):251-269.

VON FINTEL DP. Long-run spatial inequality in South Africa: Early settlement patterns and separate development. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics Tydskrif vir Studies in Ekonomie en Ekonometrie 2018; 42(2):81-101.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)

DRAPER P, EDJIGU H, FREYTAG A. Anaysing Intra-African Trade. AFCFTA: Must Ado About Nothing?. World Economics 2018; 19(4):55-74.

FREYTAG A, GRIMM M, BRETSCHNEIDER WF. Public Corporations in Africa - A Continental Survey on Stock Exchanges and Capital Markets Performance. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review 2018; 1(5):259-297.

FREYTAG A. Mitigating the adjustment costs of international trade. Global Solutions Journal 2018; 1(2):255-266.

VINK N, BOSHOFF WH, FOURIE J, VAN JAARSVELD R. Wine Cycles in South Africa. Journal of Wine Economics 2018; 13(2):182-198.

Chapters in Books

BORDO M, SIKLOS PLS. Central Banks: Evolution and Innovation in Historical Perspective. In: Edvinsson R, Jacobson T, Waldenstr�m D (eds.) Sveriges Riksbank and the History of Central Banking, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2018: 26-89.

BURGER RP, MAKALUZA NN. Job-seeker entry into the two-tiered informal sector in South Africa. In: Fourie F, Skinner C (eds.) The South African Informal Sector: Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty, HSRC Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 2018: 178-200.

FOURIE J, GREEN EO. Wage Labour and Slavery on the Cape Frontier. In: Hofmeester K, de Zwart P (eds.) Colonialism, Institutional Change, and Shifts in Global Labour Relations, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018: 265-291.

VAN DER BERG S. Lo que nos dicen las evaluaciones educativas internacionales sobre la calidad de la educación en païses en desarrollo. In: De Ibarrola M (ed.) Temas Clave De La Evaluación De La Educación Bâsica, María De Ibarrola Nicolïn, Mêxico, Mexico, 2018: 149-164.

VINK N, BOSHOFF WH, WILLIAMS G, FOURIE J, MCLEAN LS. South Africa. In: Anderson K, Pinilla V (eds.) Wine Globalization, a new Comparative History, Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, 2018: 384-409.

WILLS G, SHEPHERD DL, KOTZE J. Explaining the Western Cape Performance Paradox: An Econometric Analysis. In: Cameron R, Levy B, Hoadley U, Naidoo V (eds.) The Politics and Governance of Basic Education, Oxford University Press, New York, USA, 2018: 149-178.

Research Reports

GROBLER C, SLABBER GM, SMIT BW. Appendix G Fuel tax and the provincial economy. 2018: 25 pp.

IJSSEL DE SCHEPPER CE, SLABBER GM, VAN DER BERG S. Appendix G. Fuel tax and the provincial economy. 2018: 29 pp.

SLABBER GM, IJSSEL DE SCHEPPER CE, VENTER JLC, BING CM. Economic impact assessment of Stellenbosch University on the local municipal area. 2018: 111 pp.

Doctoral completed

BINGE LH. Methods for aggregating microeconomic data: applications to art prices, business sentiment and historical commodity prices. PhD, 2018. 243 pp.

DARE C. Tax revenue mobilisation: improving personal income tax compliance in South Africa. PhD, 2018. 166 pp.

GWAINDEPI A. State building in the colonial era: Public revenue, expenditure and borrowing patterns in the Cape Colony, 1820-1910. PhD, 2018. 249 pp.

NYAWO M. Micro-Price Adjustment to the New Currency System in Zimbabwe. PhD, 2018. 165 pp.


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18 Oct 2024
Amid a mixed bag of internal trade data releases, the domestic economic news unpacked the South African Reserve Bank’s (SARB) biannual Monetary Policy Review (MPR). Administrated prices remain a key concern for the Bank, with more details around Eskom’s hefty tariff increase application discussed in more detail below. Internationally, the European Central...

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BER Weekly

18 Oct 2024
Amid a mixed bag of internal trade data releases, the domestic economic news unpacked the South African Reserve Bank’s (SARB) biannual Monetary Policy Review (MPR). Administrated prices remain a key concern for the Bank, with more details around Eskom’s hefty tariff increase application discussed in more detail below. Internationally, the European Central...

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