Recent Publications (2011)
Journals (subsidised)
BURGER R, DU PLESSIS SA. Examining the robustness of competing explanations of slow growth in African Countries. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics 2011; 35(3) : 21-47.
BURGER R. School effectiveness in Zambia: The origins of differences between rural and urban outcomes. Development Southern Africa 2011; 28(2) : 157-176.
DLOMO Z, JANSEN AI, MOSES M, YU D. Investigating the significance of the 2008 Matric curriculum on first-year Economics performance. South African Journal of Higher Education 2011; 25(4) : 696-709.
DU PLESSIS E, FOURIE J. Higher education exports in South Africa: A case study of Stellenbosch University. South African Journal of Higher Education 2011; 25(3) : 460-475.
DU PLESSIS SA, CALITZ E, SIEBRITS K. An alternative perspective on South Africa's public debt, 1962-1994. South African Journal of Economics 2011; 79(2) : 161-172.
DU PLESSIS SA, MAENNIG W. The 2010 FIFA World cup high frequency data economics: Effects on international tourism and awareness for South Africa. Development Southern Africa 2011; 28(3) : 349-365.
DU PLESSIS SA, SMIT JP, BUEKENS F. What is money? An alternative to Searle's institutional facts. Economics and Philosophy 2011; 27(1) : 1-22.
FOURIE J, SANTANA-GALLEGO M. The impact of mega-sport events on tourist arrivals. Tourism Management 2011; 32(6) : 1364-1370.
FOURIE J, SIEBRITS K, SPRONK K. Tourist displacement in two South African sport mega-events. Development Southern Africa 2011; 28(3) : 319-332.
FOURIE J, VON FINTEL DP. A History with Evidence: Income Inequality in the Dutch Cape Colony. Economic History of Developing Regions (Formerly: South African Journal of Economic History) 2011; 26(1) : 16-48.
FOURIE J, VON FINTEL DP. 'n Ongelykte Oes: Die Franse Hugenote en die vroeë Kaapse wynbedryf. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2011; 51(3) : 332-353.
FOURIE J. Travel service exports as comparative advantage in South Africa. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2011; 14(2) : 210-228.
HORN PM, JANSEN AI, YU D. Factors explaining the Academic Success of second-year economics students: An explanatory analysis. South African Journal of Economics 2011; 79(2) : 202-210.
LEVINE S, VAN DER BERG S, YU D. The impact of cash transfers on household welfare in Namibia. Development Southern Africa 2011; 28(1) : 39-59.
MOHOLWA MB, LIU G. The impact of Rand/US Dollar exchange rate volatility on the performance of futures markets for agricultural commodities. African Finance Journal 2011; 13(1) : 28-46.
THERON NM, BOSHOFF WH. When do vertical restraints harm competition? The economics-based approach and its application in the BATSA case. South African Journal of Economics 2011; 79(3) : 330-345.
THERON NM, VAN EEDEN J. Two-sided markets: An application to mobile termination in South Africa. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences 2011; 4(Special Issue) : 183-201.
VAN DER BERG S. Current poverty and income distribution in the context of South African history. Economic History of Developing Regions (Formerly: South African Journal of Economic History) 2011; 26(1) : 120-140.
Journal articles (non-subsidised)
FOURIE J, SPRONK K. South African mega-sports events and their impact on tourism. Journal of Sport & Tourism 2011; 16(1) : 75-97.
Doctoral completed
BOSHOFF WH. Conceptual and empirical advances in antitrust market definition with application to South African competition policy. PhD, 2011. 159 pp. Promotor: Du Plessis SA.
KIRSTEN M. Improving the well-being of the poor through microfinance: Evidence from the Small Enterprise Foundation in South Africa. PhD, 2011. 300 pp. Promotor: Van Der Berg S, Schoombee GA.
REID M. Communication as a Strategic Monetary Policy Tool: An evaluation of the effectiveness of the South African Reserve Bank's Communication. PhD, 2011. 142 pp. Promotor: Du Plessis SA.
Masters completed
LEKEZWA B. The impact of social grants as anti-poverty policy instrument in South Africa: an analysis using household theory to determine intra-household allocation of unearned income. MComm, 2011. 130 pp. Studieleier: Siebrits K.
MORIBAME T. Utilisation of Mineral Rent and the diversified growth of the Botswana Economy. MComm, 2011. 201 pp. Studieleier: McCarthy CL.
(for staff & registered students)
BER Weekly
7 Feb 2025 A sensible SONA as Trump tangoes with tariffs and targets SAIt was a week filled with geopolitical upheavals. The fallout from President Ramaphosa’s signing of the Expropriation Bill continued to unfold. Just as tensions between the ANC and DA within the GNU appeared to be shifting toward constructive dialogue, US President Donald Trump chimed in on Sunday on social media. Meanwhile, SA President Cyril Ramaphosa...
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BER Weekly
7 Feb 2025 A sensible SONA as Trump tangoes with tariffs and targets SAIt was a week filled with geopolitical upheavals. The fallout from President Ramaphosa’s signing of the Expropriation Bill continued to unfold. Just as tensions between the ANC and DA within the GNU appeared to be shifting toward constructive dialogue, US President Donald Trump chimed in on Sunday on social media. Meanwhile, SA President Cyril Ramaphosa...
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