Research Publications (2015)

Journal Articles (subsidised)

ABAD LA, VAN ZANDEN JL. Optimistic but flawed? A reply. Revista de Historia Economica 2015; 33(1):77-82.

ADAMS C, GALLANT R, JANSEN AI, YU D. Public assets and services delivery in South Africa: Is it really a success?. Development Southern Africa 2015; 32(6):698-710.

BOSHOFF WH. Illegal cartel overcharges in markets with a legal cartel history: Bitumen prices in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics 2015; 83(2):220-239.

BREDENKAMP C, EVANS T, LAGRADA L, LANGENBRUNNER J, NACHUK S, PALU T. Emerging challenges in implementing universal health coverage in Asia. Social Science & Medicine 2015; 145(1):243-248.

BURGER P, CALITZ E. Twenty-year review of South African fiscal policy: A tale of two sustainabilities. Development Southern Africa 2015; 32(6):639-657.

BURGER R, DASGUPTA I, OWENS T. A Model of non-governmental organization regulation with an application to Uganda. Economic Development and Cultural Change 2015; 64(1):71-111.

BURGER R, DASGUPTA I, OWENS T. Why pay NGOs to involve the community?. Annales de L'economie Publique Sociale et Cooperative/Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 2015; 86(1):7-31.

BURGER R, LOUW M, DE OLIVEIRA PEGADO AUGUSTO BBI, VAN DER BERG S. Understanding consumption patterns of the established and emerging South African black middle class. Development Southern Africa 2015; 32(1):41-56.

BURGER R, STEENEKAMP CL, VAN DER BERG S, ZOCH A. The emergent middle class in contemporary South Africa: Examining and comparing rival approaches. Development Southern Africa 2015; 32(1):25-40.

BURGER RP, TEAL F. The effect of schooling on worker productivity: Evidence from a South African industry panel. Journal of African Economies 2015; 24(5):629-644.

BURGER RP, VAN DER BERG S, VON FINTEL DP. The unintended consequences of education policies on South African participation and unemployment. South African Journal of Economics 2015; 83(1):74-100.

DE ZWART P, VAN ZANDEN JL. Labor, wages, and living standards in Java, 1680-1914. European Review of Economic History 2015; 19:215-234.

DU PLESSIS SA, DU RAND GP, KOTZE K. Measuring core inflation in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics 2015; 83(4):527-548.

DU PLESSIS SA, FREYTAG A, BOSHOFF WH. Deliberate recovery: politics and economic recovery from the international financial crisis. Taiwan Journal of Democracy 2015; 11(1):17-36.

DU PLESSIS SA, REID MB. The exchange rate dimension of inflation targeting: Target levels and currency volatility. South African Journal of Economics 2015; 83(2):174-179.

DU PLESSIS SWF, JANSEN AI, SIEBRITS FK. Democratisation in Africa: The role of self-enforcing constitutional rules. African Journal on Conflict Resolution 2015; 15(1):9-31.

DU PLESSIS SWF, JANSEN AI, VON FINTEL DP. Slave prices and productivity at the Cape of Good Hope from 1700 to 1725: Did all settler farmers profit from the trade?. Cliometrica 2015; 9:289-330.

FAFCHAMPS M, MORADI A. Referral and job performance: Evidence from the Ghana colonial army. Economic Development and Cultural Change 2015; 63(4):715-751.

FOURIE J, BATEN J. Numeracy of Africans, Asians and Europeans during the early modern period: new evidence from Cape Colony court registers. Economic History Review 2015; 68(2):632-656.

FOURIE J, GREEN E. The missing people: Accounting for the productivity of indigenous populations in Cape Colonial History. Journal of African History 2015; 52(2):195-215.

FOURIE J, ROSSELLÓ J, SANTANA-GALLEGO M. Religion, religious diversity and tourism. Kyklos 2015; 68(1):51-64.

FOURIE J, SWANEPOEL C. When selection trumps persistence: The lasting effect of missionary education in South Africa. Tijdschrift Voor Sociale En Economische Geschiedenis 2015; 12(1):1-29.

GARDNER LA. The curious incident of the franc in the Gambia, exchange rate instability and imperial monetary systems in the 1920s. Financial History Review 2015; 22(3):291-314.

GUSTAFSSON MA. Enrolment ratios and related puzzles in developing countries: Approaches for interrogating the data drawing from the case of South Africa. International Journal of Educational Development 2015; 42:63-72.

JANSEN AI, MOSES M, MUJUTA S, YU D. Measurements and determinants of multifaceted poverty in South Africa. Development Southern Africa 2015; 32(2):151-169.

MABUGU ERM, FOFANA I, CHITIGA M. Pro-Poor tax policy changes in South Africa: Potential and limitations. Journal of African Economies 2015; 24(AERC Suppl. 2):73-105.

MABUGU ERM, SIMBANEGAVI W. Tax and expenditure reforms in Africa: An overview. Journal of African Economies 2015; 24(AERC Suppl 2):3-15.

MARIOTTI GM. Fathers' employment and son's stature: The long-run effects of a positive regional employment shock in South Africa's mining industry. Economic Development and Cultural Change 2015; 63(3):485-514.

MEEHAN S, LEON N, NAIDOO P, JENNINGS K, BURGER R, BEYERS N. Availability and acceptability of HIV counselling and testing services. A qualitative study comparing clients’ experiences of accessing HIV testing at public sector primary health care facilities or non-governmental mobile services in Cape Town, South Africa. BMC Public Health 2015; 15:845, 10 pages.

NCHAKE MA, EDWARDS L, RANKIN NA. Price-setting behaviour in Lesotho: Stylised facts from consumer retail prices. South African Journal of Economics 2015; 83(2):199-219.

NDIKUMANA L. Integrated yet marginalized: Implications of globalization for African development. African Studies Review 2015; 58(2):7-28.

PAPAIOANNOU K J, VAN ZANDEN JL. The dictator effect: how long years in office affect economic development. Journal of Institutional Economics 2015; 11(1):111-139.

PIENAAR LP, VON FINTEL DP. Hunger in the former apartheid homelands: Determinants of convergence one century after the 1913 Land Act. Agrekon 2015; 53(4):38-67.

REID MB, DU RAND GP. A sticky information Phillips Curve for South Africa. South African Journal of Economics 2015; 83(4):506-526.

REID MB. Inflation expectations of the inattentive general public. Economic Modelling 2015; 46(1):157-166.

SCHOOMBEE GA. Access to formal banking services in SADC, 2000-2009. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences 2015; 8(1):165-184.

SPAULL NA, TAYLOR SGS. "Access to what? Creating a composite measure of educational quantity and educational quality for 11 African Countries. Comparative Education Review 2015; 59(1):133-165.

TAYLOR SGS, SPAULL NA. Measuring access to learning over a period of increased access to schooling: The case of Southern and Eastern Africa since 2000. International Journal of Educational Development 2015; 41(1):47-59.

TAYLOR SGS, VAN DER BERG S, REDDY V, JANSE VAN RENSBURG D. The evolution of educational inequalities through secondary school: Evidence from a South African panel study. Development Southern Africa 2015; 32(4):425-442.

TERREBLANCHE SJ. Constraints to democracy and public reasoning in the new South Africa. Philosophy & Social Criticism 2015; 41(1):37-45.

VON FINTEL M. Subjective well-being, reference groups and relative standing in post-apartheid South Africa. African Review of Economics and Finance 2015; 7(1):6-31.

WAGSTAFF A, DMTRACZENKO T, ALMEIDA G, BUISMAN L, BREDENKAMP C, ET AL . Assessing Latin America's progress toward achieving universal health coverage. Health Affairs 2015; 34(10):1704-1712.

WEIKARD H, WANGLER L, FREYTAG A. Minimum participation rules with heterogeneous countries. Environmental & Resource Economics 2015; 62(None):711-727.

WILLS G. Informing principal policy reforms in South Africa through data-based evidence. South African Journal of Childhood Education 2015; 5(2):95-122.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)

AGBOR GM. Effects of primary, secondary and tertiary education on conflict intensity in Africa. Economies 2015; 3:161-185.

CHITIGA M, DECALUWE B, MABUGU ERM, MAISONNAVE H, ROBICHAUD R, SHEPHERD DL, VAN DER BERG S, VON FINTEL DP. A retrospective look at how well a macro-micro model can analyse the impact of the global financial crisis on a developing country. Poverty & Public Policy 2015; 7(3):211-222.

MABUGU ERM, MAISONNAVE H, CHITIGA M. Economywide consequences of attaining millennium development goals in South Africa. Economics Bulletin 2015; 35(2):1118-1127.

MAISONNAVE H, CHITIGA M, DECALUWE B, MABUGU R, ROBICHAUD R, SHEPHERD DL, VAN DER BERG S, VON FINTEL DP. The impact of the international economic crisis on child poverty in South Africa. Povery & Public Policy 2015; 7(2):176-199.

NDIKUMANA L, BLANKSON TM. Financing domestic investment in African Countries: Does the source of financing matter?. Journal of African Development 2015; 17(2):21-44.

SAMUELS M, TAYLOR SGS, SHEPHERD DL, VAN DER BERG S, JACOB C, DELIWE CN, MABOGOANE T. Reflecting on an impact evaluation of the Grade R programme: Method, results and policy responses. African Evaluation Journal 2015; 3(1):Art. #139, 10 pages.

Chapters in Books

SPAULL NA. Schooling in South Africa: How low-quality education becomes a poverty trap. In: De Lannoy A, Swartz S, Lake L, Smith C (eds.) South African Child Gauge 2015, Children's Institute, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 2015: 34-41.

Doctoral completed

ARMSTRONG PL. Teachers in the South African education system: An economic perspective. PhD, 2015. 174 pp.

SPAULL NA. Education quality in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa: An economic approach. PhD, 2015. 270 pp.

VON FINTEL M. Social mobility and cohesion in post-apartheid South Africa. PhD, 2015. 136 pp.


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BER Weekly

11 Oct 2024
The domestic data releases were mixed this week, with a downtick in manufacturing in August and mining output looking a little better. There were some positive steps on the reform front, but also disappointments, with a setback on port reform. The international economic newsflow focussed on the US monetary policy outlook, with markets now scaling back...

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