Recent Publications (2010)

Journal Articles (subsidised)

ALPANDA S, KOTZE K, WOGLOM G. The role of the exchange rate in a new Keynesian DSGE model for the South African Economy. South African Journal of Economics 2010; 78(2) : 170-190.

BOSHOFF WH, FOURIE J. The significance of the Cape trade route to economic activity in the Cape Colony: a medium-term business cycle analysis. European Economic Review 2010; 14(3) : 469-503.

BURGER R, OWENS T. Promoting transparency in the NGO Sector: Examining the availability and reliability of self-reported data. World Development 2010; 38(9) : 1263-1277.
CALITZ E, FOURIE J. Infrastructure in South Africa: Who is to finance and who is to pay?. Development Southern Africa 2010; 27(2) : 177-191.
DU PLESSIS SA, KOTZE K. The great moderation of the South African Business cycle. Economic History of Developing Regions (Formerly:South African Journal of Economic History) 2010; 25(1) : 105-125.
DU PLESSIS SA. How can you be a Christian and an economist? The meaning of the Accra Declaration for today. NGTT: Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif 2010; 51(1 & 2) : 62-71.
DU PLESSIS SA. Implications for Models in Monetary Policy. Journal of Economic Methodology 2010; 17(4) : 429-444.
ELS M, VON FINTEL DP. Residential property prices in a submarket of South Africa: Separating real returns from attribute growth. South African Journal of Economics 2010; 78(4) : 418-436.
NEL WS, DE VILLIERS AP. The opportunity cost of the upkeep of the criminal justice system in South Africa from 1980 to 2006. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2010; 13(4) : 407-423.
REID M, DU PLESSIS SA. Loud and Clear? Can we hear when the SARB speaks?. South African Journal of Economics 2010; 78(3) : 269-286.
SCHIRMER S, CHAUDHARY L, COSGEL M, DEMONSANT J, FOURIE J, FRANKEMA E, GARZARELLI G, LUIZ J, MARIOTTI M, VERHOEF G, YAN S. The State and Scope of the Economic History of Developing Regions. Economic History of Developing Regions (Formerly:South African Journal of Economic History) 2010; 25(1) : 3-20.
VON FINTEL DP, FOURIE J. Dynamics of inequality in a newly settled pre-industrial society: The case of the Cape Colony. Cliometrica 2010; 4(3) : 229-267.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
LIU G, GUPTA R, SCHALING E. Forecasting the South African Economy: A hybrid-DSGE approach. Journal of Economic Studies 2010; 37(2) : 181-195.

Proceedings International

DU PLESSIS SWFAn institutional analysis of road safety in South Africa. 3rd Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, St Georde Lycabettus, 2 Kleomenous Street, 10675, Athens, Athens, Greece, Athens Institute for Education and Research 2010: 413-428.

Chapters in Books

BURGER R, LOUW M, VAN DER BERG S. Post-Apartheid South Africa: Poverty and Distribution. In The Poor under Globalization in Asia, Latin America and Africa, Oxford University Press, New York, United Kingdom, 2010: 431-458.
BURGER R, LOUW M, VAN DER WATT C. The challenge of poverty and social exclusion in post-apartheid South Africa - Considering the potential role of religious groups. In Religion and Social Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Stellenbosch University Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2010: 61-73.
BURGER R, VAN DER WATT C. Bridging South Africa's deep divides - Religious networks as a resource to overcome social and economic exclusion. In Religion and Social Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Stellenbosch University Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2010: 393-402.
FOURIE J, SANTANA-GALLEGO M. Measuring the gains from currency union membership in Southern Africa. In Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa, Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2009: 75-95.
JAFTA RCC, BLACK PA, BURGER RP. Black economic empowerment. In South African Economy and Policy, 1990-2000, Manchester University Press, New York, USA, 2010: 494-513.



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8 Nov 2024
Donald Trump convincingly won the US presidential election. It was not nearly as close as most pollsters and number crunchers had expected, with Trump even winning the popular vote. Flying under the radar of the US election was the effective collapse of the German coalition government, with a snap election possible in March. Meanwhile, on the monetary...

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8 Nov 2024
Donald Trump convincingly won the US presidential election. It was not nearly as close as most pollsters and number crunchers had expected, with Trump even winning the popular vote. Flying under the radar of the US election was the effective collapse of the German coalition government, with a snap election possible in March. Meanwhile, on the monetary...

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