Working Papers - 2007

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The comparability of the Statistics South Africa October Household Surveys and Labour Force Surveys
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP17/2007
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (472 KB)
Lessons learnt from SACMEQII: South African student performance in regional context
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP16/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (243 KB)
Infrastructure in South Africa: Who is to finance and who is to pay?
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP15/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (572 KB)
Price elasticity and other forces shaping cigarette demand in South Africa over 1996-2006
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP14/2007
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (250 KB)
A fiscal rule to produce counter-cyclical fiscal policy in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP13/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (427 KB)
The cyclicality of monetary and fiscal policy in South Africa since 1994
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP12/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , Federico Sturzenegger
Abstract | PDF (486 KB)
Identifying aggregate supply and demand shocks in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP11/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , Federico Sturzenegger
Abstract | PDF (472 KB)
Democracy and the feedback mechanism in Botswana
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP10/2007
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (291 KB)
A series of national accounts-consistent estimates of poverty and inequality in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP09/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (441 KB)
Post-transition poverty trends based on an alternative data source
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP08/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (407 KB)
Two optimistic traditions in the dismal science: rationalism and the "invisible hand"
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP07/2007
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (261 KB)
Policy Brief: How pro-poor is the South African Health System?
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP06/2007
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (264 KB)
The changing face of public funding of higher education, with special reference to South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP05/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (323 KB)
Poverty and inequality effects of a high growth scenario in South Africa: A dynamic microsimulation CGE analysis
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP04/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (446 KB)
A Note on Infrastructure Quality in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP03/2007
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (189 KB)
Consumption patterns and the black middle class: The role of assets
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP02/2007
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (541 KB)
Using the hierarchical linear model to understand school production in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP01/2007
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (273 KB)


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BER Weekly

26 Jul 2024
Following a string of busy weeks, it was relatively quiet on the local front. Datawise, the most notable release was the consumer price inflation (CPI) print for June. The biggest global data release of the week also came from the US, with GDP coming out much stronger than expected in Q2. It was a(nother) wild week in US politics, with President Joe...

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BER Weekly

26 Jul 2024
Following a string of busy weeks, it was relatively quiet on the local front. Datawise, the most notable release was the consumer price inflation (CPI) print for June. The biggest global data release of the week also came from the US, with GDP coming out much stronger than expected in Q2. It was a(nother) wild week in US politics, with President Joe...

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