Working Papers - 2010

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ʼn Ongelyke Oes: Die Franse Hugenote en die vroeë Kaapse wynbedryf
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP29/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (1.1 MB)
Signalling performance: Continuous assessment and matriculation examination marks in South African schools
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP28/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (897 KB)
Who Responds to Voluntary Cognitive Tests in Household Surveys? The Role of Labour Market Status, Respondent Confidence, Motivation and a Culture of Learning in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP27/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (1.4 MB)
Teacher pay in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP26/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (443 KB)
Write your paper now: Procrastination, conscientiousness and welfare
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP25/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (1.5 MB)
When the remedy is worse than the disease: Adjusting survey income data for price differentials, with special reference to Mozambique
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP24/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (1.7 MB)
A History with Evidence: Income inequality in the Dutch Cape Colony
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP23/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (1.1 MB)
Current poverty and income distribution in the context of South African history
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP22/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (714 KB)
The home team scores! A first assessment of the economic impact of World Cup 2010
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP21/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (448 KB)
The impact of mega-sport events on tourist arrivals
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP20/2010
[protected email address] , María Santana-gallego
Abstract | PDF (572 KB)
An alternative perspective on South Africa’s public debt, 1962-1994
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP19/2010 (revised, version: 2)
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (512 KB)
Implications of the financial crisis for models in monetary policy
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP18/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (330 KB)
Social assistance reform during a period of fiscal stress
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP17/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (965 KB)
Human Resource Inputs and Educational Outcomes in Botswana’s Schools: Evidence from SACMEQ and TIMMS
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP16/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (458 KB)
Efficiency and equity effects of social grants in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP15/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (862 KB)
The costs of illiteracy in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP14/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (805 KB)
The impact of the international economic crisis on child poverty in South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP13/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (911 KB)
Shifting trends in higher education funding
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP12/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (493 KB)
Loud and clear? Can we hear when the SARB speaks?
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP11/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (459 KB)
The state and scope of the economic history of developing regions
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP10/2010
Stefan Schirmer, Latika Chaudhary, Metin Coşgel, Jean-Luc Demonsant, [protected email address] , Ewout Frankema, Giampaolo Garzarelli, John Luiz, Martine Mariotti, Grietjie Verhoef, Se Yan
Abstract | PDF (484 KB)
Defining and measuring informal employment in South Africa: A review of recent approaches
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP09/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (728 KB)
Higher education export service delivery by the University of Stellenbosch
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP08/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (534 KB)
The strategic implications of black empowerment in South Africa: a case study of boundary choice and client preferences in a small firm
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP07/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (256 KB)
South Africa’s economics of education: A stocktaking and an agenda for the way forward
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP06/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (267 KB)
Policy note on pre-primary schooling: An empirical contribution to the 2009 Medium Term Strategic Framework
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP05/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (646 KB)
Poverty and inequality trends in South Africa using different survey data
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP04/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (785 KB)
South African mega-events and their impact on tourism
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP03/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (1.2 MB)
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP02/2010
[protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (278 KB)
The sources of comparative advantage in tourism
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP01/2010
[protected email address] , [protected email address] , [protected email address]
Abstract | PDF (885 KB)


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BER Weekly

8 Nov 2024
Donald Trump convincingly won the US presidential election. It was not nearly as close as most pollsters and number crunchers had expected, with Trump even winning the popular vote. Flying under the radar of the US election was the effective collapse of the German coalition government, with a snap election possible in March. Meanwhile, on the monetary...

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BER Weekly

8 Nov 2024
Donald Trump convincingly won the US presidential election. It was not nearly as close as most pollsters and number crunchers had expected, with Trump even winning the popular vote. Flying under the radar of the US election was the effective collapse of the German coalition government, with a snap election possible in March. Meanwhile, on the monetary...

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