SAFTU‏ @SAFTU_media Feb 17
In honour of fallen people’s economist, as SAFTU we dip our flag. Your work helped us expose inequalities in our society. You reminded apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa of the injustice inherent in economic inequality . #RIP Professor #SampieTerreblanche

Matuba Mahlatjie‏ @MahlatjieMatuba Feb 18
Today I feel privileged to have put together a short TV piece highlighting the life and times of an extraordinary South African, Prof. Sampie Terreblanche. May his soul rest in peace.

Nils Flaatten‏ @NilsFlaatten Feb 20
One of my favourite lecturers, #SampieTerreblanche, who passed away this week taught us about race-capitalism. Many fought him on the land matter but none, none, could win the argument that whites stole the land. I agreed with him then and do so now. RIP Sampie

Jacques Cupido‏ @jacquescupido12 Feb 17
If you read books by #SampieTerreblanche, you’ll understand why media houses seldom used him for analysis on political developments in the country

Pierre de Vos‏ @pierredevos Feb 20
Sampie Terreblanche: an intellectual giant of economics who opened minds to social role … via @BDliveSA

Adam Habib‏ @AdHabb Feb 17
I learnt with sadness of the passing of Sampie Terreblanche. His daughter Christelle’s tribute: … Go well comrade!